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Aubrey Sabala is a writer & marketing professional living in San Francisco, learning the lay (and ways) of the hilliest place imaginable. After three years, she's finally settled in to The City by The Bay, though sometimes still misses her big three-bedroom home in Atlanta, her friends there, the climate but not her crack smoking next-door neighbors. An only child, you’ll either nod your head in easy recognition or be surprised by this revelation; each reaction is as common as the other.

On any given day, you’ll find her taking her darling puppy Lila Belle for a walk/jog up aforementioned hills and prompting her to stop sniffing at every tree and fire hydrant she finds. On any given evening, you’ll find her trying to avoid cooking for herself; common activities include seeing live music, enjoying a Poppy Jasper with her merry band of miscreants or spending far too much money doing laundry. That is, if she’s in the country…you’re as likely to find her in the US as you are abroad. Her frequent flier miles are enviable.

One of these days, she’ll listen to you and start that book you keep suggesting she writes…one of these days. In the meantime, she’s navigating the murky waters of romance, accruing some of the best bad-date stories you’ve ever heard and still doing so with her half-jaded, half-hopeless-romantic attitude. She’ll never turn down a blind date...ok, almost never.

Aubrey Sabala is the girl next door who puts into words all that you’re thinking but are afraid to say. Thanks for stopping by, and come back soon to see what hair-brained scheme she’s gotten herself into lately.